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Jun 27, 2014
Jun 14, 2014
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Desk Jockey

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New Member

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Jun 14, 2014

BillFoster was last seen:
Jun 27, 2014
  • My Story

    Work very hard, very hard on self.
    Work all the time.
    Neck hurts, headaches, arms hurt sometimes. Shoulders hurt. Trapezius hurts. Bilateral.
    Long history of bad posture. Diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Doc basically says, "You're hosed, chump. You might try physical therapy, but I doubt you'll get much. Surgery is 50/50. Quit what you're doing and lie around all day. Good luck."
    There has to be a better way.
    1. BillFoster
      Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
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  • My Story

    Desk Jockey
    Work very hard, very hard on self.
    Work all the time.
    Neck hurts, headaches, arms hurt sometimes. Shoulders hurt. Trapezius hurts. Bilateral.
    Long history of bad posture. Diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Doc basically says, "You're hosed, chump. You might try physical therapy, but I doubt you'll get much. Surgery is 50/50. Quit what you're doing and lie around all day. Good luck."
    There has to be a better way.