1. Our TMS drop-in chat is today (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM DST Eastern U.S. (New York). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support. Bonnard is today's host. Click here for more info or just look for the red flag on the menu bar at 3pm Eastern.
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Last Activity:
Jun 28, 2017
Mar 13, 2012
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Home Page:
Yorkshire, England
Chartered Physiotherapist

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Physiotherapist, Female, from Yorkshire, England

Georgie was last seen:
Jun 28, 2017
  • My Story

    Hi, I'm Georgie and since coming across Dr Sarno's work and visiting him in 2007 I now devote 100% of my work to developing this approach with my own patients and also training other Health Professionals to work in this field via my company, SIRPA

    I am passionate about this concept and being able to help people change their lives. I very much value the work the TMS wiki does to help people and always recommend my patients visit the site. I am also very grateful to the other Specialists, including Howard Schubiner MD and Dave Clarke MD, who have helped me feel less isolated over the years and who provide valuable peer support.

    I will always try and answer specific queries as time allows, both on this site and via email. I run monthly clinics in London and Bristol, but am based in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, UK, so I frequently follow up my patients on Skype and telephone.
    1. Jill Pensom
      Jill Pensom
      HI Georgie,
      I spoke to you awhile ago regarding nerve pain in my legs and after the phone call my pain all went away! I now have similar pain but in my other leg! Would it be possible to have a quick chat with you and possibly book an appointment if you think i need it! thanks, jill
      1. mike2014
        Hi Jill, Georgie rarely uses the forum, you may be better off emailing her directly. Her email can be found on :

        Nov 5, 2016
    2. Forest
      Hi Georgie, thanks for coming along and showing your support for our nonprofit. If you get a chance, I hope you'll take a moment to make a post or two, even just to introduce yourself.

      I love that photo, by the way. The colors really jump out and your warmth really comes across.
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  • My Story

    Home Page:
    Yorkshire, England
    Chartered Physiotherapist
    Hi, I'm Georgie and since coming across Dr Sarno's work and visiting him in 2007 I now devote 100% of my work to developing this approach with my own patients and also training other Health Professionals to work in this field via my company, SIRPA

    I am passionate about this concept and being able to help people change their lives. I very much value the work the TMS wiki does to help people and always recommend my patients visit the site. I am also very grateful to the other Specialists, including Howard Schubiner MD and Dave Clarke MD, who have helped me feel less isolated over the years and who provide valuable peer support.

    I will always try and answer specific queries as time allows, both on this site and via email. I run monthly clinics in London and Bristol, but am based in Huddersfield, Yorkshire, UK, so I frequently follow up my patients on Skype and telephone.

