1. Our TMS drop-in chat is today (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM DST Eastern U.S. (New York). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support. Bonnard is today's host. Click here for more info or just look for the red flag on the menu bar at 3pm Eastern.
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  2. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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Katy Elise
Last Activity:
Apr 7, 2024
May 20, 2020
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Southwest Colorado

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Katy Elise

Peer Supporter, Female, from Southwest Colorado

A TMS healing success story Sep 26, 2023

Katy Elise was last seen:
Apr 7, 2024
  • My Story

    Hi there! I have been dealing with all kinds of TMS-related symptoms for much of my life. After getting mysteriously seriously ill with 50+ symptoms upon graduating from grad school over 5 years ago, I searched desperately for a diagnosis. I received many, including autoimmune and gut-related issues, and it took me a long time to slowly heal. After finding Dr. Sarno's work, I experienced some relief before a major life change and cross country move. A year later I read Alan Gordon's book, which over the next year lead to an incredible recovery. Physical symptoms and limiting diets that kept me from living my life gave way to climbing mountains, eating and drinking whatever I want, and getting back into dancing and travel! These days, I am still lightyears ahead of where I was, though I have been dealing with more anxiety in the past year. I believe this is the symptom imperative, and after showing my brain I don't have to be afraid of the physical symptoms, I am now facing the underlying emotions that were previously stuck in my body. I don't write on this forum often but I do come here consistently as it is a source of great comfort/support/recognition/reminder. I'm so grateful to this community and the experts and individuals who have given it their time and care.
    1. Katy Elise
      Katy Elise
      A TMS healing success story
    2. Katy Elise
      Katy Elise
      Back to doing TMS!
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  • My Story

    Southwest Colorado
    Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis, arthritis, CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome or mold illness), Epstein-Barr, IBS, parasites, anxiety, depression, MTHFR gene mutation, adrenal issues, multiple chemical sensitivity, TMJ, vasovagal syncope, etc etc
    Hi there! I have been dealing with all kinds of TMS-related symptoms for much of my life. After getting mysteriously seriously ill with 50+ symptoms upon graduating from grad school over 5 years ago, I searched desperately for a diagnosis. I received many, including autoimmune and gut-related issues, and it took me a long time to slowly heal. After finding Dr. Sarno's work, I experienced some relief before a major life change and cross country move. A year later I read Alan Gordon's book, which over the next year lead to an incredible recovery. Physical symptoms and limiting diets that kept me from living my life gave way to climbing mountains, eating and drinking whatever I want, and getting back into dancing and travel! These days, I am still lightyears ahead of where I was, though I have been dealing with more anxiety in the past year. I believe this is the symptom imperative, and after showing my brain I don't have to be afraid of the physical symptoms, I am now facing the underlying emotions that were previously stuck in my body. I don't write on this forum often but I do come here consistently as it is a source of great comfort/support/recognition/reminder. I'm so grateful to this community and the experts and individuals who have given it their time and care.
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