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My Story
I'm 45 and pretty sure I'm in the midst of a mid life crisis. I began having hip pain in Sept which slowly began creeping into both of my upper thighs, a really intense burning pain. I have seen my GP twice and saw an Ortho Dr. who suggested x-rays and an MRI. Hip and back x-rays didn't show any abnormalities but the MRI showed bulging discs at L4 and L5 both with small annular tears. The ortho gave me results and said that the bulges weren't even pressing on the nerves so just get over it. I saw a great spine/sports specialist who looked at my MRI and said "oh man! no wonder you're in pain, this is going to take awhile to heal". I have taken gabapentin, RX ibuprofen, muscle relaxers, aspirin and underwent micro current therapy and active release therapy as the pain eventually showed up in the tops of both of my shoulders and began radiating down into both of arms and my hands and even fingers.
I'm in a job that I do not like, feeling resentful about making a poor career choice over a year ago that landed me in this position and my current job ends in April 2016 as its grant funded. I've been dealing with old family hurts, feeling abandoned and lamenting and being pissed about having grown up in an abusive and shitty family. I have read two of Dr. John Sarno's books, "Healing Back Pain" and "The Mind Body Connection" and now am reading "The Divided Mind". I do think I have TMS but am struggling to fully accept it. I've been meditating and reading the books and journaling for 2 weeks now. I have some periods of less pain or no pain but am unable to sleep in any position except on my back, my hips and glutes continue to hurt and make even walking painful at times. I am seeing a psychotherapist every two weeks and that is helping. I have stopped getting massages and cancelled chiro appointments. Still engaging in some other behaviors related to bulging disc pain like sleeping with a pillow under my knees and on my back and using an acupuncture mat to lay on.
Feeling a bit unsure and found the SEP page so here I am. Happy to have found this and thankful to be here. - Loading...
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My Story
I'm 45 and pretty sure I'm in the midst of a mid life crisis. I began having hip pain in Sept which slowly began creeping into both of my upper thighs, a really intense burning pain. I have seen my GP twice and saw an Ortho Dr. who suggested x-rays and an MRI. Hip and back x-rays didn't show any abnormalities but the MRI showed bulging discs at L4 and L5 both with small annular tears. The ortho gave me results and said that the bulges weren't even pressing on the nerves so just get over it. I saw a great spine/sports specialist who looked at my MRI and said "oh man! no wonder you're in pain, this is going to take awhile to heal". I have taken gabapentin, RX ibuprofen, muscle relaxers, aspirin and underwent micro current therapy and active release therapy as the pain eventually showed up in the tops of both of my shoulders and began radiating down into both of arms and my hands and even fingers.
I'm in a job that I do not like, feeling resentful about making a poor career choice over a year ago that landed me in this position and my current job ends in April 2016 as its grant funded. I've been dealing with old family hurts, feeling abandoned and lamenting and being pissed about having grown up in an abusive and shitty family. I have read two of Dr. John Sarno's books, "Healing Back Pain" and "The Mind Body Connection" and now am reading "The Divided Mind". I do think I have TMS but am struggling to fully accept it. I've been meditating and reading the books and journaling for 2 weeks now. I have some periods of less pain or no pain but am unable to sleep in any position except on my back, my hips and glutes continue to hurt and make even walking painful at times. I am seeing a psychotherapist every two weeks and that is helping. I have stopped getting massages and cancelled chiro appointments. Still engaging in some other behaviors related to bulging disc pain like sleeping with a pillow under my knees and on my back and using an acupuncture mat to lay on.
Feeling a bit unsure and found the SEP page so here I am. Happy to have found this and thankful to be here.Interact